This is a collage of images and words to inspire people to create their vision board.

Vision Board 202

If you read our previous blog post, you now know what areas in your life that you are looking to fulfill. It’s now time to take action by buying your materials and assembling your board.

Things you will need to complete your Vision Board:

  • * Your board
  • * Your Adhesives- Glue, tape, thumbtacks and or pins
  • * Your Images
  • * Scissors, (Obviously)
  • * Markers, or paint
  • * Stencils
  • * Picture of yourself
  • * A personally chosen word of Affirmation

Your Board:

What size & type of board will you need will be determined upon your timeline and what you hope to accomplish. Your board can be as large or small as you choose.

I’m a go-big-or-go-home kinda girl so, I decided on a large 23 X 35” cork board.

While my focus is on 2018, I cut out images that would serve me well into my future. A little cottage in the country, a beautiful, sunlit cottage. Things I knew I desired but that I did not see happening within a short year.

Any board can be used- poster board, cardboard, canvas, foam board…the possibilities are limitless.

I chose corkboard. I liked that it has a frame and I could use push pins to decorate if I wanted.

Your Adhesives:

What adhesive is best? That seems to be the million dollar question and if you have suggestions, I’m all ears.

After looking at countless other blogs and crafting boards I’ve learned that no one really seems to know the perfect adhesive.

Elmer’s Paste seems to be a NO-GO for this project due to how it dries on magazine paper. I tried Elmer’s rubber cement with mixed feelings on my results.

Several people suggested Mod Podge; Some suggested Matte Medium. (The Mod Podge Gods are not a fan of me, so I chose hot glue.)

I’m not sure if that would be the adhesive I will use in the future. It sticks very, very well. I think, too well. Here I was, trying to make an inspirational board while using language fit for a sailor…my images did not fit as well because I could not slide the image around. Once it was placed, it was there to stay.

I also got a few cute thumbtacks and pins to add some fun elements!

Your images:

Now that you have your supplies, it’s time to assign images to your goals.

Over the course of an evening, I pulled out my old magazine collection and started cutting out anything and everything that appealed to me. Pictures, words, quotes…anything that inspired me. If it caught my eye, I cut it out….

(SIDE NOTE: I know several of you either don’t get magazines or you are one of those awesome people who throw away any trash after you are finished with it. I’m not that girl so I had a TON of magazines from which to choose. But, images are everywhere. A sales magazine, a free community publication, images can be pulled from the internet. Just type in your word and click on images and you will receive a host of information!)

So….there you have it! You have identified your visions and your timeline; you have purchased your supplies and now it’s time to start flipping through magazines, searching online for images and start cutting!!

Our next post will focus on assembling your board and taking the final steps to create the vision to fulfill your hopes & dreams!

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