5 ways to enjoy Summer Solstice

Summer solstice has always been very special to me. I enjoy the small pause as the sun reaches the zenith in its yearly journey. It’s as if everything takes a deep sigh as we traverse toward Winter Solstice in 6 months.

Everyone braces for the summer heat, still drunk on the joy and excitement that IS SUMMER BREAK. Lemon yellow sunshine and ice cool water.

Summer comes with the promise of hot days and humid nights to be filled with laughter, cold watermelon, icy popsicles and the smell of salty SPF 50.

And, bug spray. (We use SO MUCH bug spray in the South.)

What is Summer Solstice?

Summer Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere, typically falls on June 20, 21 or 22nd and is celebrated across the globe. This is the magical time when our hemisphere is tilted closest to the sun, giving us MAXIMUM daylight hours.

Summer Solstice marks the:

  • Longest day of the year.
  • The shortest night of the year.
  • The day the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.
  • First day of summer

During this time, our friends in the Southern Hemisphere will be experiencing the Winter Solstice.

Winter Solstice marks the:

  • First Day of Winter
  • Shortest Day of the year.
  • The longest night of the year.
  • The day the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky.

The Southern Hemisphere will then experience Summer Solstice when the Northern Hemisphere is at Winter Solstice. And, vice versa.

(It really is SUCH an incredible design, isn’t it?)

Here are my TOP 5 Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice

…and the what, why and HOW you should be celebrating.

Why celebrate the Summer Solstice?

Throughout history, several cultures have used this time to celebrate in festivals and ceremonies  for a variety of reasons. Among them:

To honor the life giving powers of the sun.

To recognize the spiritual battle between light and shadow.

To time crop cycles to boost the remainder of the crop season, ensuring a healthy harvest.

To celebrate the element of fire and it’s ability to recharge and inspire.

For me, it is the next step in the divine rhythm of the universe. 

Spring Equinox represents new beginnings, laying the groundwork for a successful year and planting the seeds (and desires) of what is to come in the coming year.

Summer is a continuation of that cycle. It is the time to be inspired, follow your intuitions and chase your big passions.

For my Luna Lovers, the Spring Equinox is like the new moon and Summer is the 1st Quarter moon. 

It is a continuation of that hope…that dream that was planted 3 months ago. Summer is the time for building and growing those dreams. It is a time of action and renewal. A time to put in the hard work but also nurturing yourself.  

Summer is associated with the element of FIRE.

Fire brings with it the power of transformation and the energy to reach those dreams. 

Do you still desire the seeds you planted at the Spring Equinox? What is that extra push you need to get you closer to your goals?

What dreams would you like to harvest at the Winter Solstice when it arrives 6 months from now?

Top 5 Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice

Go Outside on Summer Solstice. Twice.

Yes, I said twice…During the day & at dusk.

Take a walk, a hike, float in the pool.

Whatever you do, find a way to be outside and enjoy the sunshine. 

Today, we will be closest to the sun. Soak up the rays!

(But, please, remember your sunblock!)

Today is the longest day of the year. How can you make the most of it?

Consider checking the sunset and watching the night fall at dusk. 

FUN IDEA WITH KIDS: Build a bonfire and roast s’mores! 

Get your hands dirty on the Summer Solstice.

Have you planted your backyard herb garden? If not, now is probably your final bet to have harvest through the fall. 

Have the basics but looking to plant some beautiful flowers?

Consider the Yellow Trumpet. This beauty draws hummingbirds who will be migrating through the south in August and September.

Gardening has been proven to lighten mood and lower stress and anxiety. The routines that come with gardening, like watering and weeding, are linked to improved mental health by creating soothing rhythms that reduce stress.

PRO TIP: Don’t forget to order pumpkin seeds to plant in July!

Cool off on Summer Solstice with homemade popsicles or sorbet.

Summer is fruit season in the US. From the prized cherries of the great north to Fredericksberg peaches, sorbet is the perfect way to take advantage of the summer harvest.

Here is a basic recipe:

3 cups water

1 cup sugar

4 cups fruit.

Bring water and sugar to a boil over medium high heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.

When simple syrup mixture has cooled, process in a blender, in batches if needed.

Transfer to a container, cover, and chill for 2 hours.

Spoon the mixture into a 1 gallon ice cream maker, process and freeze overnight.

Scoop into dishes or bowls and enjoy!

Bring summer indoors!

If the heat is more than you can beat, bring pops of yellow indoors to help you feel sunny without the ‘misty glow’ that comes from being outdoors.

Sunflowers and marigolds can be found everywhere you look and help to brighten up your space.

Add fresh outdoor herbs to water, tea, cocktails and mocktails.(Who doesn’t feel bougie sipping on a freshly muddled mint mojito???)

Create tantalizing fruit salads by adding herbs from your backyard garden. Fruits and backyard herbs going very well together.

Here are a few of my favorite pairings:

Basil: Pairs with peaches, blueberries, figs, plums, strawberries, tomatoes, peas and beans.

Mint: Pairs with all melons, peaches, pears, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.

Oregano: Pairs with olives. Used in salad dressings and marinades.

Thyme: Pairs with cherries, grapes, honeydew, pears, peaches, figs and honeydew.

Rosemary: Pairs with strawberries, olives and eggplants

Regroup, review and renew.

Does it seem like Spring was a million days ago but it was JUST spring all at the same time?

Where are you now and what you have already accomplished this year? What you hope to accomplish by the Winter Solstice (when it arrives in 6 months.)

Consider what that looks like for you…do you have a business you are trying to get off of the ground or a project you are hoping to complete?

Summer is the best time to focus on the brightness of your inner power to accomplish your dreams. It is an excellent time to renew your spirit through rest and play and focus on manifestation of your goals.

So, there you have it! Everything you wanted to know how Summer Solstice and how to make the most of your day!

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