Legacy Astrology Human Design Reading


Do you find yourself at a crossroads? Ready to leap but not sure which direction to go?

Can’t shake the feeling that there is something out there a little greater…something you want to be doing? Or, know you SHOULD be doing?

Then the Legacy Reading is for you!

Take the first step on the path to living your legacy and book your session today!


Availability: In stock

Discover your TRUE NORTH and the tools you need to live your legacy TODAY!

This one-on-one session will allow you to uncover your individual legacy and teach you how to utilize the unique, universal gifts and soul lessons that can be found in your birth and Human design chart.

We will identify your unique energetic type and you will learn how to balance your elements using food, herbs and specific self care techniques.

You will have a clear path to living in alignment with your dreams.

My clients walk away from a Legacy Reading feeling empowered with a deeper sense of purpose.

FINE PRINT: Readings are done 1 on 1 via zoom.

Please plan for 1 and 15 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

I will need the following information to complete our session:

Exact Birth Date

Exact Birth Time

Location of Birth

NOTE REGARDING BIRTH TIME: an accurate birth time is very important. Astrology is based on mathematics and each degree counts. Most states provide Time of Birth on Birth Certificates. I cannot guestimate times as it will alter your reading slightly and not provide you with them most accurate results.

PS. I’m REALLY excited to analyze your chart for you! Thank you for the opportunity to meet you on a SOUL LEVEL!!




(713) 822-1834



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